The basic products of the Mediterranean diet, in descending order of quantity and frequency advised, are:
These form the base of the majority of meals in Mediterranean countries – bread (wholemeal or otherwise), pasta, couscous and rice.
Fruit and vegetables:
Meals are more flavoursome when in-season products are selected and they are cooked very simply. In most Mediterranean countries the dessert is generally fruit.
Legumes and nuts:
Olive Oil is used throughout the Mediterranean. Normally used for cooking, extra virgin olive oil, while appropriate for all uses, is excellent when consumed raw to best appreciate its aroma and flavour and to benefit fully from all its natural components.
Dairy products :
Cheese, yogurt and other dairy products, with no special mention of milk.
Offered as a first class protein, before eggs and poultry.
Regular physical activity is vital to maintaining good health and optimal weight.
Wine can be consumed in moderation, primarily with meals (1-2 glasses/day). It is optional and should be avoided whenever it puts the individuals or others at risk.